Traumatic Injuries in Houston TX

TRAUMATIC INJURIES​: Teeth that have become dislodged

Teeth can be forced back into their sockets as a result of oral injuries. An tooth may be repositioned and stabilized by your endodontist or general dentist. Within a few weeks of the injury, root canal treatment will begin, and a medicine, such as calcium hydroxide, will be administered within the tooth. A permanent root canal filling will be placed in the future.

A tooth can sometimes be forced partially out of its socket. An tooth may be repositioned and stabilized by your endodontist or general dentist. If the pulp is healthy, no further treatment is required. However, root canal treatment will be required if the pulp gets injured or infected. If left untreated, a variety of issues can develop. Infection of the tooth, root system, or surrounding tissue, poor hygiene owing to inability to adequately clean the displaced tooth and gums, and tooth loss are just a few of the possible problems.

Teeth Avulsed

It’s critical to seek treatment right away if an injury causes a tooth to be entirely knocked out of your mouth! Keep the tooth wet if this happens to you. Replace it in the socket if feasible. If a tooth is kept moist, it can be salvaged. Alternatively, you can soak the tooth in milk or a glass of water (add a pinch of salt.) Depending on the stage of root development, your Endodontist may begin root canal treatment. The type of treatment you receive may be influenced by the length of time the tooth was out of your mouth and how it was stored.

Injuries in children

To improve the odds of saving an injured immature tooth, one of the following operations may be required:


As the pulp heals, this treatment promotes the root to continue to develop. To stimulate growth, medicine is applied to soft tissue. As the youngster grows older, the apex (tip) of the root will continue to close. As a result, the root canal walls will thicken. There will be no need for further therapy if the pulp cures. The older the root, the higher the chances of saving the tooth.


The unhealthy pulp is eliminated in this example. The doctors inject medication into the root to encourage the formation of hard tissue around the root tip. The root canal filling is protected by this tough tissue. The root canal walls will not continue to develop at this time, leaving the tooth vulnerable to fractures. As a result, it’s critical that your dentist restores the tooth appropriately.

An injured immature tooth may need one of the following procedures to improve the chances of saving the tooth:

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kid holding a frog
tooth instructions